Character morphing

Hello all

So I have a rolling ball that I’d like to morph into a wheel and go faster and such while holding down a button. Essentially like a sprint mechanic but the changing of the ball’s shape to a wheel is where I’m stuck.

What efective ways could make this possible and can someone help me out with this?

Hello, I’m actually working on a VERY similar issue here:

The first thing I’d like to know is if you plan to have the ball and the wheel be separate meshes. If so, that complicates things.

No. Like when the player presses the button the ball turns into the wheel and is fully replaced by the wheel but then turn back to the ball when the player lets go of the button.

You misunderstand me.

What I’m asking is if you intend to:

A) Use ONE mesh that will be deformed


B) Two (or more meshes) that will be blended

Apologies for not understanding the question. Well what are the pros and cons of one method over the next? I usually go for the options that’s less consuming of resources but what would you suggest?