Character Mesh suddenly disappeared.

I’m not sure what happened here, but it’s not the first time I’ve seen this.
I didn’t make any changes in the viewport, just the event graph, and nothing to do with the base controls of the character.
When starting the game to test something, the character was stuck in a falling animation a bit above the ground. I couldn’t move or do anything else. When I closed and reopened the project without saving anything (which worked last time) the character mesh was completely gone. I’m not sure how I could have deleted it. Does anyone know how to fix this? I tried opening the backup I just made and thankfully it had no issues so I tried to just copy the character mesh and rename it, but of course that didn’t work.

It seems to happen when I’m trying to undo a bunch of nodes.

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I’m having the same problem, I tried to undo something and the exact same thing happened, stuck in falling animation, now it crashes when I try playing and my character mesh is just gone. I’ll try and fix it.

Click on the mesh component in the components tab.
In the Details tab Find the rendering section.
The Visible bool should be ticked true.

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Hi! In my case when I select the mesh the detail tab has nothing in it. I also noticed the asset is described as none.

Details panel should have a lot of options. Just as mine did.

Are you sure you are looking at the “Details Panel”?

Window → Details

The other assets still have their details, only the mesh displays nothing anymore. I made a quick new character Blueprint and I managed to play without crashing, but If I attempt to play with the other pawn it crashes.

class looks corrupted.

I guess so too. I deleted the class, and imported again the default assets, I’ll be redoing some work, but that not so bad.

I just got the same problem here…just mades me nervous about losing more stuff…guess I will really need to push every single thing I do and just delete if I’m not saving it.

class, as in something wrong with the code?

yes, something wrong in the code of the parent class. Possibly in the child.

C++ side of things.

Same thing happened to me just now. UE 5.3.2 Third Personal Template with very little added code. On begin play character started constantly falling and the Character Mesh and everything in the the details panel disappeared, restarting had no effect.
-My solution was to simply create another third person template and migrate over the working 3rd person character to my project. Copy the code and settings from the first character to the second character, then I was back in action.

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OMG this keeps happening to my projects and its driving me insane. Definitely an editor bug. Usually happens around when I would switch animation blueprints. it just disappears. Also my character movement details panel is empty as well. Guess you have to commit every couple minutes with this editor

What do you mean by commit? Im having this problem too

What do you mean by push? Im having this problem too

I am having the same problem again and again and again… And I just had it happening and I can’t find a pattern for this issue.

I started actually a thread about it here:

It is a bug for sure and I hope they will fix it

version control, either github or whatever else you’re comfortable with. allows you to revert changes

Just had this exact same issue. Can confirm it is most definitely a UE5 bug, something funky in the parent third person class.

The first thing notable here is that the ‘Capsule Component (CollissionCylinder)’ has been replaced with ‘Root Component(x)’. This happened to me and my mesh stopped moving, and then disappeared with out any editable details. These components change depending on class, so it is a class issue…

If this component is inherited then the way I fixed this: Go through the hierarchy’s and re-parent your blue print to the character blue print. Then all you have to do is re upload your character mesh into that slot.

In theory, one of your hierarchy’s will display the root mesh in its components as apposed to capsule, and you can figure out which one is causing it as it may not be your character blue print. This way you do not have to create a new blueprint with work.

I think I triggered the error either through; Messing around with collisions/Actors/orientation or parenting.


this is the solution
i had the same problem my mesh just dissappered n it changed to root cyllinder
all i did was change my parent class in calss settings to pawn then right back to character in it fixed itself.
gracias to u