Character launched forward when landing on moving Object (Train)

i am working on a moving Train-System (Static Meshes moved along Spline via a LinearInterpolate under the Tick-Function), which is working well until now. My Character is only moving on top of the Train, therefor ‘trainsurfing’ on it.

UE4 is making a good job at keeping the Character on top of the Train, even when moving between two carts (3 in total, one seperate Mesh each, with an offset along the same Spline).

The only problem i have is when I try to land on the Train. Everytime i land, the Character is launched in the direction the train is moving in, the strength is proportional to the speed of the Train. I think this is done to get the Character to speed with the Object it is standing on. However, the Character is already moved with the train, including the correct Velocity and Direction, so the initial launch is somewhat unneeded and even annoying.

To summ it up, if I jump when im already moving on top of the train correctly, i get shot forward as soon as i land, this can accumulate if I jump again and again until i fly off the train at unnatural speeds.

Help would be much appreciated.