Character hand is getting stuck to the physics cloth (Solved)

That’s pointless.

Pose the mesh and see if anything moves.

If you scroll up one post I did exactly that.

Does this satisfy you? Don’t know why I have had to repeat myself like 20 dozen times…Let me make it crystal clear…it’s not my weights…

Just to satisfy you further I imported the character in that pose and moved her up and down.
This also proves it only happens when her hands move remotely close to the physics part of her jacket.

They only real solution I can think of is too modify the animations so that her arms don’t pass near the cloth… The animations come close to it at specific points but her cuffs never touch it. The only issue with this though is then they would all require a feminine female to walk with her arms way out like she was some kind of body builder…not a good look unless your going for a body builder style female.

Spreading legs and arms doesn’t tell you what you need to know.

You are looking for something that’s barely perceptible.
Twist a single arm all the way up. let the rest be.
The skirt is supposed to be weighted by the legs. It’s fine.
IF anything cross the legs so the skirt gets more messed up if the hand is actually causing issues.

The only other possible issues is that you have more than one PHAT asset at play that’s somehow causing the movement/snag.
This is possible if the model has 10 different meshes and a master pose component, but not possible if it’s just one consolidated fbx (as it seems to be?).
Still worth checking.

Another fix you can make quickly.
Set the paint for both arms to a different material. make a different cloth for the arms.

Since cloth only interacts with itself or the phat asset and not with other cloth parts from a different cloth material, you should actually bypass the problem (at the cost of some performance).

Yeah I can do the first part, but I seriously doubt it’s the Weights…I have played the animation with physics enabled inside of iClone, iClone is for CC3 and it has a physics system similar to Unreals but the collision is a bit different.

Those animations came from iClone, and inside of iClone and with physics enabled the outfit doesn’t suffer even under scrutiny from the issue I’m having inside of Unreal, also I can play the same animations inside of blender and I don’t get any of that tugging…

I’m not sure why you think it’s the weights causing it when I have only successfully recreated it inside of Unreal using their Physics system…I have rebuilt the PHAT asset from scratch and played the animation…I have entirely removed the PHAT asset and played the animation…I rebuilt it and tested it 3 times…

the cloth settings were copied verbatim from Paragon Assets and I tested to see if it were my cloth settings. I even copied several settings and tested them from the Content Package and tested them. I have tried about everything but assigning a different material too the arms specifically to see if that would effect it any…I’ll try it but I won’t hold my breath.

If you want to test it yourself I don’t mind really. I’ll leave the link here, I’m out of ideas and quite honestly out of patience with it. I’m trying to work out the details of other things in this small project so perfect cloth physics aren’t super important but I would like to get to the bottom of it in case it does become an issue.

I removed the link but I’ll upload a link to a video instead. The only reason I removed the link is because I realized I can’t actually hand it out like that because it’s against the agreement I signed with Reallusion.

I have a video demonstrating all that you asked and I’ll upload it to YouTube now, I’ll let you know when it’s done processing. It will be in 4k.

Here’s the video link Unreal Engine issue when uploading CC3 physics. - YouTube let me know if you have trouble viewing it, I posted it as Unlisted. The video is still processing…don’t know why it is taking so long either but the low quality version should be ready. I’ll try making a different material for the sleeves but I don’t think weights are the problem. I know your 100% sure it is but I’m 90% sure it’s not.

I’ve been with RL since iClone 2 and have bought countless assets from their store and have returned probably half of them due to issues like yours. And yes, I went thru a similar process as you with materials, mesh editing, physics, blender checks, yada yada, etc. and in a lot of asset cases they simply wouldn’t work no matter what I did. Neither RL nor the vendors helped either.

The major glaring red flag I see in your screen caps deal with the asset from the RL store. Note that the Compatiblity says CCv3.10 or above yet the Required Product says CC v3.30. Almost all of the assets I bought that didn’t work in UE4 had this same pattern. The RL vendors create an asset for older CC/iClone then just change the specs as needed to align with what’s currently supported by RL. And when you factor in the Export license what version of UE did they actually test this on? This sort of thing is a common problem in any 3D store and I’ve come across it numerous times over the years. Very rarely did I find a vendor that would work with me on it so I just refunded.

You may find some tweak that works but in my opinion just move on with something else. I once had what I thought was a perfect hair asset only to find it only worked with one CC3 character with a specific body morph. No amount of tweaks would make a difference on the same character with a different body style.

You’ll find a lot of tweak suggestions just as I did but I never found a single one that worked with a specific CC character and asset that exhibited this problem.


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Don’t know what’s up with the video, it sat overnight and it’s still processesing the HD version of the video.

Yeah sounds about right…I think it’s the seams that are causing it. The seams on the sides appear to be where it’s getting caught at. It doesn’t help considering the shady practices they use but next time I buy clothes I’m going to just buy a Marvelous Designer pattern so I can Retopologize it myself or tweak it as needed. Most games don’t use cloth physics even today and the jacket don’t really look bad when compared with other games that don’t use cloth physics. I don’t know what my window is to return it but I would think it’s only about a week which has already passed.

There’s a few things you can try that aren’t clear or havent happened in the video.

  1. change the distance of the cloth to something like 2cm

  2. You can doublecheck the phat asset in use byt the cloth. it’s not necessarily the same as that of the character. If it is the same. instead of deleting components, remove the entry for cloth specifically.

  3. just to triple check. with cloth disabled this doesn’t happen right? on the same hand wave animation.

Youtube is nasty some times. it has a real hard time with formats. all i’m getting is 320p so I can’t read you options or anything much.

it’s definitely an ODD occurence, but it must be tied to something within unreal - not the seams. they don’t actually cause anything with the way nv-cloth works.

ANYWAY, with a short distance on the cloth you’ll never have a situation in which a piece tares off like it’s currently doing…

If you show RL that you’ve tried numerous ways to resolve this they shouid refund with no issue. I believe it’s 14 days but I know I’ve gone longer than that.

Yeah I thought it would be odd that it does this in the first place, I’ve brought several examples into Unreal looser then this…I’ve simulated physics on skirts inside Unreal…looked rather bad because I was still learning but it didn’t do anything like this.

Sorry about the 320p, I thought about removing it and re-uploading it maybe recompressing it again but it’s probably irrelevant now that you’ve watched it but If you want I can do that before I delete the video from my SSD.

I’ll try playing with those settings like you suggested. I’ll confirm that it doesn’t do that outside of Unreal Physics. It doesn’t even do it when simulating the physics in iClone…so honestly I have no clue why it would do it with Unreal Physics but not iClone Physics…

I always thought Unreal Physics was better then that in iClone especially when it came to collision. This whole thing is just really aggravating, I would really like to get to the bottom of it so I understand why it does this in the first place.

Yeah I’m going to do that, I just checked and I still have about a week to get a refund on it. I may refund it and go with an outfit that doesn’t require much in the way of physics.

I’ll be more careful in the future as to how I choose an outfit to buy…more then likely I’m just going to start making my own…I’m mildly familiar with doing that anyway, I just haven’t taken the time to actually start trying to make more advanced clothing in MD

I’m re-encoding the video now at 1440p to see if that helps. I need to show it to Reallusion anyway when I go to request a refund. It will take about 30 minutes to re-encode and probably another 30-45 minutes to process it on YouTube.

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In the next one, please show that the paht asset is the same. and that there’s nothing else in the character blueprint that could cause this.
That way you can try to (it’ll be ignored we all know that, but it’s a good start) push a bug report to Unreal about it.

Come to think of it, the convo went on so long that I’m not even sure we checked that CHAOS wasn’t in use… (you’d have to build engine from source to get chaos, unless something changed drastically).

Nah I wasn’t using a character blueprint in that video I just imported the character and two animations. I have a version built from source but I was doing this from one I loaded that wasn’t. I’m primarily using the source build right now to learn to build and run dedicated servers. I’m not sure what you mean by ‘Please show that the Phat asset is the same’, could you elaborate?

I accidentally figured it out, I’ll post the video I was redoing for you which is pretty funny given the context of the video how I accidentally stumble upon the solution…It was the Tether Limit the entire time…I never tried setting it high because it seemed like a value that should be low. I set it to 100 just to demonstrate what I had already tried but apparently I skipped that one variable…I remember playing with it but I don’t think I ever tried setting that one to an extreme because I didn’t really know much about the cloth physic settings before.

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Could be there’s similar/regressions on this. Glad you figured something out though.

Within the cloth parameters you have the option to select a different PHAT asset.
that’s what I mean.

Glad you figured it out. maybe share a screencap of the setting so people who stumble on this will know.

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