How easy is it to make a mask, if I will have custom armor skeletal meshes?
What would happen if i equip a hauberk with the mask, and then equip lets say a plate armor with thr mask on top of it? Would the hauberk hide or the mask would only affect the skin?
Just a piece of advice before you submit to the marketplace, about the naming conventions to be consistent and the folder structure aswel. I recommend take a look on some of the Epic’s free assets to get familiar with this in case you dont know yet. Any source file to be include in a separate folder (photoshop files and FBXes).
If you created the male and female from your own mind all is ok, but if you used reference photos, it is important to have authorization from these people in written form granting you to use their image (contract with signature and copy of any document with their signature would do and they shall not be underage) as models and that you can transfer this right to the people who will purchase your asset. Even if marketplace would accept without those, I know by experience in my country that I can’t (I live in Brazil).
This will reduce several iterations with the MP team and grant you at least one week less trouble, if not more.
I don’t think that is really needed the reference photo, watch southpark, they literally recreate famous actor and anyone here know the intro signature about it, in the world is somethine really impossible that a model doesn’t seems like a real person anyway. First or later you will maybe meet someone that seem’s that game character.
All depends on what you would do with the characters! If you use them in a way that hurt the person’s image, they can and will sue you, since their image are used for a living, it is not like you and me. There is the golden rule for the comedians (which fits southpark) to be able to tell jokes about people (using their name, which is almost the same) and it is all ok, if no harm is done.
One issue I’m having is that the female and male meshes don’t share a skeleton and can’t share animations as a result. Any chance in getting this changed?
Running into a bit of a problem here. The female and male meshes don’t share a skeleton so we can’t re-use animations between the two. Is this something that can be fixed in a future update?
Not sure I’m understanding. I can’t re-import without the FBX files, no? I’ve re-targeted all our animations to the male skeleton, seems unnecessary to do that for the female one as well when they share the same hierarchy.
Take a look at the Animation map in Content Examples. UE4 supports run-time retargeting with meshes that have differing proportions to cut down on repeated animations.
Edit: Just to test I re-assigned the female skeletal mesh to the male skeleton and the only issue I can see is a major pinch on the wrists.
No FBX but I can confirm that it works with animations that support the Epic skeleton.
The Skeleton Asset (which is not the Skeleton Mesh) is an asset created during mesh import. It is the Skeleton Asset which is related to the animation tracks.
This is the type of test which sometimes the Marketplace team does not do, and when someone purchase the asset and such things happens, causes a lot of trouble and it is given a very short time for you to fix, which in the end might produce a refund on your product. So be careful, test everything, don’t rush the submission, make it perfect.
I will purchase the asset later and will do some tests too, but that will be in one week or two only, Im too busy with 3 products in development.
For some reason the female characters wrist twists were rotated 180 degrees in Maya. I’ll fix that by the next update which will probably be tomorrow or the day after.