Character Continously Jumping


I am trying to program some jump functionality with my character. When i play he is not jumping, but on the initial jump button when its pressed he jumps as intended but then carries on jumping after which is not intended.


    UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Character")
bool bCanJump;

UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Character")
bool bIsJumping;

/** The character starts jumping*/
virtual void JumpStart();

/** The character stops jumping*/
virtual void JumpStop();


ATrainingCharacter::ATrainingCharacter(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)
	: Super(ObjectInitializer)
    	this->bCanJump = false;
	this->bIsJumping = false;

void ATrainingCharacter::SetupPlayerInputComponent(class UInputComponent* InputComponent)

	InputComponent->BindAction("Jump", IE_Pressed, this, &ATrainingCharacter::JumpStart);
	InputComponent->BindAction("Jump", IE_Released, this, &ATrainingCharacter::JumpStop);

void ATrainingCharacter::JumpStart()
	this->bCanJump = true;
void ATrainingCharacter::JumpStop()
	this->bCanJump = false;


UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BluePrintReadOnly, Category = "Character")
bool bCanJump;


void UMyAnimInstance::BlueprintUpdateAnimation(float DeltaTimeX)

	if (this->Character != NULL)
		this->bCanJump = this->Character->bCanJump;

Locomotion Blueprints

This is all i have done on jumping as this project is created from scratch. Can someone tell me what i need to do to stop him from constantly jumping. My initial idea was to have a variable of “canJump” be set to true when ever a person hits the jump button, then on release it sets the “canJump” button back to false.

i think instead of just set the bCanJumpFlag. in the character class there is a function named ::

  • Jump()
  • StopJumping()

you can use that in your press event.

and i also wondering about your animation… are you using the state machine?? (locomotion??) i think you had to take a look at the thirdpersoncharacter from unreal. because i think your problem also implies the animation (if you just stay in the jump animation state after you jump).



Why would i need to use the Jump() and StopJumping() functions? What do they do? Can i not just re-create these in c++ as i think they use some blueprint functionality right?

Sorry, i don’t understand what you mean regarding the animation. If you check my question you will see i provided links of the locomotion. Can you please explain what you mean?

Right i get this. In the AnimBlueprint i have retargeted to my custom animblueprint i created in c++. So the variable in the eventgraph “Jump Button Down” does not compile as it can’t find it. How can i fix this? I have tried searching for where this is initialised in the Character class but i can’t seem to find it

ive alrdy provided with the state machine its here.

And the animgraph is only the Locomotion connecting to final animation pose.

* Make the character jump on the next update.
* If you want your character to jump according to the time that the jump key is held,
* then you can set JumpKeyHoldTime to some non-zero value. Make sure in this case to
* call StopJumping() when you want the jump’s z-velocity to stop being applied (such
* as on a button up event), otherwise the character will carry on receiving the
* velocity until JumpKeyHoldTime is reached.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category=“Pawn|Character”)
virtual void Jump();

 * Stop the character from jumping on the next update. 
 * Call this from an input event (such as a button 'up' event) to cease applying
 * jump Z-velocity. If this is not called, then jump z-velocity will be applied
 * until JumpMaxHoldTime is reached.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Pawn|Character")
virtual void StopJumping();

== the implementation ==

void ACharacter::Jump()
bPressedJump = true;
JumpKeyHoldTime = 0.0f;

void ACharacter::StopJumping()
bPressedJump = false;
JumpKeyHoldTime = 0.0f;

from ACharacter class in cpp, maybe it can help. so it’s not a blueprint. it was a cpp function that expose in blueprint;

and as for animation. is it a state in the state machine?? (and what stat??) i think it’s better if you provide the animgraph and also the statemachine in that.

sorry, i seems can’t find your eventgraph. i think if you use your own customAnimInstance. i think the problem, is really gonna be simpler. because you can call your animationInstance using the skeletalMesh on your character class. but anyway, maybe i seems not really understand what you wanted to achieve. as i see in your stateMachine/locomotion what i see is just a three state right. so when it want to jump in the transition condition you feed it with a bool that you get from charactermovement->isFalling() right?? and that goes the same with the landing (just feed the not IsFalling in the transition condition). - but maybe you will not get a very satisfying animation (because what i know, like thirdperson project give us. it break to 3 state (jumpstart, jumploop, and jumpend)

sorry if it not help much jejeje

Thnx anyway hopefully someone else might know