Character Collision


I really have some trouble getting my VR collision to work.

I set up a character blueprint (my vrcharacter) and added a camera. HMD tracking is working out of the box, however, the inherited collision capsule is not updated when I move around with the HMD. So, I added a collision sphere to the camera, but nothing. I created a simple VRPawn with nothing but a camera and a collision sphere. If I place the collision sphere as root and attach a camera, collision works but the collision sphere does not follow the HMD. It turned out that you can’t have collision elements as sub nodes. They have to be the root node. Alright, then I’ve created a new actor with a single collision sphere as root (just to meet that requirement). Then I attached an instance of this actor to a camera and - nothing.

How do I set up collision for a VRCharacter properly? Is there really no other way than teleporting the character around according to the camera position (and, as I think about it, this would probably effect my camera’s position as well)?



I am attempting to reload my guns when a controller overlaps a box collider .which is working so so right now lol . But what I did to make sure the collider follows the hmd on my pawn was get the camera location and then make that new position the position of my box collider.if all else fails I think that might work for you to.