Chaperone bounds lag behind geometry

For some reason the Chaperone bounds are very floaty compared to the rest of the geometry. So they seem to lag behind. This happens on my own project as well as VR templates that I have found.

This only happens when there is a camera in the scene. So if i just open a empty project and try ‘VR preview’ the bounds seem solid.

I can’t find anyone else with this problem so i guess the issue is at my end. I have tried reinstalling UE4 and steamVR but the problem persists. Any ideas? The same problem also happens on 4.10.

Using a consumer Vive.

I’m also having exactly this issue. The Chaperone bounds lag a centimeter or two behind geometry. Causes an unpleasant swimmy effect when the chaperone is visible.

As you say, deleting the player camera fixes it.

Found this other question which has a code solution…

I’m updating to 4.11.1 now to see if it’s fixed.

Nope, still occurring in 4.11.1.

Have linked back to this question from the old one.

Also experiencing the same issue with 4.11.2

If you implement the camera the old way like this the chaperon is locked solid to the world and everything is okay. However, if you implement it the new way that was recommended for 4.11 the chaperon lags behind the world noticeably.

The new 4.11 method is far more convenient and powerful, but unfortunately while the world is running great I find the bounds sloshing about to be very nauseating.

The symptom is very similar to buffered frames issue Springularity mentioned. However, the code was modified in 4.11 just as ChadTaylor said so the source is probably something else. :frowning:

Did you get this solved in the meantime? I have the same problem and no idea what I did wrong.

Ok I solved this. You need to decativate the property “auto manage active camera target” in your player controller. If I do this then the lag is gone.


Hey jokippo! Weberl’s solution here fixed the floaty chaperon problem even with the new 4.11 camera setup :smiley: The world is locked solid again!

Yup, fixed for me too. Awesome, thanks folks :slight_smile:

Ok, after further investigation. I now cannot use the camera attached to my VR character to get location or rotation of the HMD if I turn off “Auto Manage Active Camera Target.” So not a perfect fix. There a way round this?

New finding,
When I use this:

and in step 10. I use 0 Z height /0,0,0/ :

…10. Select the Player Start and position it so that the center of the Player Start is just above the Static Mesh used for the ground. In this example we used a Z height of 1.0 CM for the Player Start.

…everything works fine.

When I use this solution, my controllers are now tracked X and Y “negative”.

Mean they move mirrored inside the play area. Not attached to the camera… really weird

The fix above does not take care of the problem with controllers.

They still suffer from the lag.

Watch this video for clarification:

correcting - New finding -Chaperone floating

When I change in Project Setting/Maps&Modes/DefaultModes/
Default GameMode from “VR” to Game Mode
Chaperone is sticky.
Problem is in VR gameMode

Ran into the same issue with this flag set. While the player pawn seems to spawn in the same orientation, the camera is rotated (in my case it was 90 degrees counter clockwise).

You can rotate the player start entity so that the camera and pawn align, but it’s not a good fix. It looks like if you use the Auto Manage Camera flag you don’t use the pawns camera, but the camera from the controllers camera manager which has a separate rotation from the pawn. :frowning:

This is still occurring for me on 4.12 preview 2 also, really hope we get a fix or official workaround soon

4.12 is still in preview. Post it as a Bug Report if you are still having issues.

In the meantime i spent some more time with this issue. I had the best result with removing the camera. Yes you heard correctly. Remove the camera from the pawn and you will still have lag free images in your HMD.

How do you get HMD transform info without having a camera in the player pawn? Is there another route to get HMD position and rotation easily?

You should uncheck your answer as accepted I think. Doesn’t seem like the solution is really what we need.
I’m not sure that Epic monitors threads with an accepted answer

Oh, you can’t unaccept it t seems… sorry.