Chaos Vehicles; Wheels have no collision/fall through the floor

Having issues with chaos vehicle wheels falling through the floor, behaving as if they have no collision whatsoever. I have tried with 4 or 5 different models before finally testing with privatives and am getting the same result. Image shows the default Offroad vehicle and my own “vehicle” on the same plane.

The problem occurs when connecting the Wheel BPs to the WheeledVehiclePawnBP. The physics asset behaves as it should on it’s own. No matter what I do, wheels don’t collide and go full-suspension. Wheel Radius/Offset/Width have no affect, tried all sorts of combinations.

What I’ve tried:

Ensuring scene units are in cm before exporting

Scaling up the uniform scale on import to 10x and 100x, as well as 0.5x and 0.1x

Front facing X axis, Z Up

A lot of folks using blender said to “Apply Rotation and Scale” before exporting and that it fixed it for them. I’m using Maya and I believe this is the same as Maya’s “Freeze Transforms” option, which I’ve done and am still getting the same result.

Hoping somebody may be able to see the image and know what’s up? Happy to provide more images or details.


Update: Incase anyone runs into this issue, I think my end is (mostly) fixed. This is the first time I got a chaos vehicle to work.

This page has the solution that worked for me

Shoutout to @KaidoomDev on this one. The solution seemed to be related to the Local Rotation Axis of the joints in my vehicle. If you are using blender, follow the link I’m sure it’ll help. Ensure your scene units are in 0.01 metric and Apply Rotation and Scale before exporting.

For maya users, be sure your units are in centimeters. What then worked for me was to have a single combined mesh centered about the origin. The front of the car faces +X, +Z is UP, and +Y is off to the left. When your mesh is in place,

Edit>delete all by type>history and modify>freeze transformations

Set up your root joint at the origin and add your wheel joints as direct children of the root. ALL joint LRAs have the same orientation, Forward +X, +Z UP, and +Y to the left.

Then select all the wheels and wheel joints, bind skin, and flood your weights appropriately.

In the end even tho it’s primitives this ended up working for me. Hope it helps somebody else dealing with the same problem later on


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