Chaos vehicle wheels have no collisions.

Salutations friends!

I know this has been posted a few times, but I have tried everything and still no sauce.

I tried this (making sure my vehicle is pointed in the correct direction and scale + rotation is applied Chaos Vehicles; Wheels have no collision/fall through the floor - Programming & Scripting / Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums (

Then I went to youtube for some help and found and

I have set up my vehicle exactly the same way in blender as shown in the last video but every time i press play the wheels clip through the floor and fall off.

So this is how the model looks in Blender

This is my FBX export settings

In Unreal Engine
When I import i use the following settings

afterword I open the physical asset and change the wheel bones to Spheres and save
NOte: naming convension is a bit off because I changed my model and still need to rename them in blender
Now at this point when I spawn the physical asset the wheels fall off so I made a wheeledVehicle pawn and set the skeleton mesh to my models and Physics asset override to my models (each to the correct type obv.)

Now when I spawn in my Blueprint and play as it, the wheels still fall off

Now I created an AnimationBP of the skeleton and set the output pose

And after all this effort, still clips into the ground :frowning:

I will greatly appreciate any and all assistance from anyone, I dont know what to do anymore

Blender model had incorrect scale, scale of the scene needs to be set to 0.01.

2nd possible solution would be to ensure that the wheel arrays under the Vehicle Movement component of the Chaos Wheeled Vehicle BP are setup correctly. that means that the Chaos Wheel BPs are assigned to the wheels (Front, back and in this case middle) and the correct skeleton bone is assigned to each wheel in the array

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