Salutations friends!
I know this has been posted a few times, but I have tried everything and still no sauce.
I tried this (making sure my vehicle is pointed in the correct direction and scale + rotation is applied Chaos Vehicles; Wheels have no collision/fall through the floor - Programming & Scripting / Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums (
Then I went to youtube for some help and found and
I have set up my vehicle exactly the same way in blender as shown in the last video but every time i press play the wheels clip through the floor and fall off.
So this is how the model looks in Blender
This is my FBX export settings
In Unreal Engine
When I import i use the following settings
afterword I open the physical asset and change the wheel bones to Spheres and save
NOte: naming convension is a bit off because I changed my model and still need to rename them in blender
Now at this point when I spawn the physical asset the wheels fall off so I made a wheeledVehicle pawn and set the skeleton mesh to my models and Physics asset override to my models (each to the correct type obv.)
Now when I spawn in my Blueprint and play as it, the wheels still fall off
Now I created an AnimationBP of the skeleton and set the output pose
And after all this effort, still clips into the ground
I will greatly appreciate any and all assistance from anyone, I dont know what to do anymore