Changing the speed of day/night cycle in UEFN

Hello. I want to make my day/night cycle happen faster in UEFN. So when the player is on the last part of my map day and night should be shorter so that you see clearly that the ‘time is running out faster’ and the days and nights are passing by faster. Can this be done and also can it be triggered when the player enters that part of the map. Thank you in advance!

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Hey theres a setting down the bottom of the Day Sequence Device called Play Rate, I wonder if this changes the speed of day/night cycle.

If it does, you could use multiple day sequence devices by using a trigger to disable one and enable another

Hey, thank you for your reply, but I don’t have this play rate option…

Oh neither do I now, it must have been removed last update !!

@lena_glitch Its not exactly what you are asking for but its a way of doing it. We just released a couple of templates that walk you through lighting set ups for UEFN “Lighting Starter” and “Day Sequence Starter” In this example I will use the Day Sequence starter.

In this example I have 2 Day Sequencers

  1. “Day Sequence Device_Center” configured like this
  2. “Day Sequence Device_West” Configured like this

    While there are more settings adjusted in the “West” device, they can be whatever you want for your look. the important part is what is higlighted to be able to acomplish something like what you want. which is to accelerate time and or change time quick as you enter an area of the map

    This is what it should look like

Hope this helps you



Thanks for helping out with this feature. I’m still confused how to use the properties of the Day Sequence Device to accelerate and transition between different times of day.

I ran my own version of the “Day Sequence Starter” and I want to reproduce the effect of “Day Sequence Device_West”. In order to try to figure out how to modify and reuse this effect, I copy and pasted the device, but the copies do not offer the transition – the time of day appears to be set instantly when stepping inside the copy’s bounds.

Additionally, it does not seem like the number assigned to ‘Start at Specified Time’ is doing anything noticeable. Is there some way to set a beginning time of day and an end time of day for this transition? How could I set this up where the entire 24-hour Day/Night cycle transitions quickly?

Sorry for so many questions, but the blend/transition effect is mystifying me and there doesn’t seem to be many tutorials on the topic.

Update: I’ve made progress in learning about the Trigger Volume > Blending - Distance property of the Day Sequence Device, and I found a workaround for customizing the day/night cycle speed.

To transition from one Day Sequence Device’s settings to another, I used two devices and both override the settings you’d like to see perform the transition.

  • The first device is set at a General > Day/Night Cycle: Fixed Time (as provided in the example) with a lower priority than the device to create the transition
  • The second “transition” device is set to General > Day/Night Cycle: ‘Start at a Specified Time’, which makes the Trigger Volume > “Blending: Distance” option available
  • If you want the full blending transition from the edge of the extents to the center (the position of the Day Sequence Device), I have found that there is a 50:1 ratio of “Blend Distance” to the extent length. (For example, for an extent with 100.0 length, you will witness the full transition if the Blend Distance is 5000.0)
  • The transition will revert to the next highest priority Day Sequence Device as you approach the edge of the bounds
  • To make the sun/moon cross the sky, the transition device must override Sunlight and Rotation X will set the destination angle

I hope this helps anyone wanting create (limited) transitions.



In case anyone wants to use UEFN’s built-in Day/Night system for effects, but wants a bit more control over how long daylight and nighttime are, the workaround I used does not use the Day Sequence Device other than establishing a default sky appearance.

  1. Create a Day Sequence Device with the General > Day/Night Cycle: Fixed Time setting, set to whichever hour you want, but 0.0 works best. In my opinion, for the best visual results override Sunlight, Skylight, and Sky settings (but you’re free to disable or mess around with these as you see fit).
  2. Create an Environment Light Rig provided in Fortnite/Devices
  3. In the Content Browser, add a Cinematics > Level Sequencer
  4. In the Level Sequencer (double clicking on it) click & drag the Environment Light Rig
  5. Add a Directional Light track to the Environment Light Rig (using the “+”), and then add a Transform track to the Directional Light
  6. Set the animation time to 0 and add a Transform > Pitch key frame at 0 degrees, and add subsequent time(s) and key frames for “noon” (Pitch = -90.0), “sunset” (Pitch = -180.0), and midnight (Pitch = -270.0), ending on your last frame with the next dawn (Pitch = -360.0)
  7. Make this Level Sequencer play by adding a Cinematic Sequence Device to your map, then checking Loop Playback. You can have it auto play or some other source start it, and modify the playback speed as needed.

I just figured this out, so there are more lighting effects to include to improve how it looks during the day, as well as adding a moon to cross the sky at night.


@pommel_throw you are correct.

The sample scene only has the looks so you can use them to study them and they have no smooth transitions. I had only used the Day Sequence starter sample to try to help another user with a transition.

But your workflow is basically it if you wanted to achieve that. Thanks for clarifying that for everyone!


@Carlos.Cristerna I appreciate the response to my questions and the affirmation of my discoveries. I’ll try to check in on this thread each time I visit the forums in case others have followup questions for me.