Changing Material Function Category Crashes Every Time

Recorded a video so you can easily reproduce:

  • Create a new Material Function.
  • Check ‘Expose To Library’
  • Try to type over the default ‘Misc’ category.
  • Recieve Crash

This caught me out when I created a function, didn’t save then tried to expose it and lost work in the process. Not sure what’s going on here! ScopedTransation isn’t invalid by the looks of it, but it’s ‘Index’ is 0? Whatever that means…

Heya Buddy.

Very well known 4.12 bug, is fixed in 4.13 (f im correct)
Its also one of main reasons I stuck with 4.11 :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi Jamsh,

This issue has been addressed as Luos has said. You can find the report here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-31722)
