Hi, Im trying to create a force emitter that I can control the forces of through the blueprint node mechanism feeding it my own dynamic values. I
m talking about changing the variables that are on the right in the property window, i.e.: force, impulse, damage. I am changing them alright at runtime straight through the component property window for debugging, but I want to attach my own control mechanism that would feed these values with dynamic data. How do I go about that? Can they be exposed in the node system somehow without going into C++?
Thank you.
Edit: And if I try creating a new C++ class of the Radial Force Component class, the compiler gives me the LNK2001 linking errors.
If you are talking about a Blueprint derived from a C++ class, the “BlueprintReadWrite” enabled this for the Blueprint I derived from my C++ class:
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere) bool ShowTarget = false;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite) bool ShowTarget = false;
Oh wow! What a blast from the past!