Changing component class type for blueprints in c++ crashes the editor UE 4.4.1

If you have a blueprint with custom components in them that were made in c++ and change their parent class to no longer be components (example change them from UActorComponent to just be AActor) when you try to open the blueprint in the editor the editor crashes.

I know ideally you would remove the components from the blueprint and then change the code but it would be nice to have it either just remove the components from the blueprint or have some dialog box with replace options instead of having to delete the blueprint and remake it without the components so it doesn’t crash

Hey falola-

Do you still experience the same thing happening in the latest engine version? For understanding and testing purposes, you create a blueprint then add a component to it that was created in code. When you say “Change their parent to no longer be components” are you referring to the blueprint’s parent or the component inside the blueprint?


I haven’t tried with the new version but I will and get back to you.

The component inside the blueprint(the code class) to no longer be derived off UActorComponent.

Hey falola-

Let me know if you were able to find anything after checking in the new engine version and we will continue investigating. For now I will be marking this post as answered for tracking purposes.
