Dear All,
I created a blank game and already completed the game logic but I wish to change the project settings, namely:
Right now I can fly around in the game after hitting the play button. I wish to turn that off, but I find no blueprint that would be responsible for the movement.
The game is 3D now. I want to have a 2D game, without camera movement.and without any lighting, post processing or any fancy rendering (to get it run the fastest possible). I have the pre-rendered images that will build up the level.
Also I need the camera to be orthographic instead of perspective.
Please help me with those things as googling and try hasn’t got me far.
is it side scroller ? side shooter ? one sided view? then try sprites
for user interface have umgs .
do you want the game to be 3d but appear like 2d? then you will have to go for post processes.
full 2D game with images only - planning for sprites. The images are already rendered in a primary 3D app.
It will contain no camera movement as it will be a puzzle game, but the puzzle template did not quite match my needs with this one.
Now, would you recommend widgets for this or make an ortho cam with the images?
widgets (umgs) are recommended if there will be no camera movements ,
this way you can add more animations.
i am not sure what puzzle it exactly is but if it’s 2d, require no camera animation then umg (widget)are good but sprites are nice for casting.
Some mechanical puzzle but not logical, rather reflex/timing game. Basically one has to time to lock the moving objects, the player sees the same all along.
So you say widgets are not a bad idea in this case.
One more thing - can I access to the transform locations of the elements of the widget?
I used to do something like “is below 45 but greater than 41” on my actors’ Y location. Can I do smething similar in widgets?
through blueprints or in editor manually
wait , the images are still or will change according to frame?(like flipbook?)
if they will go for sprites.
Archmagnificient. The game logic as I said is done, of course using only 2D elements so yeah, no Z axis. I used the SetWorldLocation, all is on the level blueprint. I can access this through the level BP, can’t I?
Edit: After reading through my latest comment it sounded like some snobbish trash-talk, I did not mean it that way of course
So, can one access the widget from the level BP? Getting an actor reference should work, right?
if they won’t be like flipbook animation(just move, rotate ,and scale) then you should go with umgs (just mentioning again)
yes you can but you need to play level to see them in action
Thanks for your help. High time I got to work.
Also, your comments pretty much made my original question useless as it no longer matters what the project setup is, I’ll use widgets.
they won’t be animated much right? just make sure of it.
many sample projects are there as well for these sort of things , be sure to check them
No, no flipbook, no fancy stuff, only animations will be scale or transform, and one with the alpha (fade in or fade out). That’s all, as much as I saw it, the widget does have those properties. By the way, can I set the pivot point of an image so it gets scaled towards the top (the top stays, the bottom gets closer to it as I scale it down) and not scaling from the middle?
well i am not sure what you meant by the last part “scaling from middle” and “the top stays, the bottom gets closer to it as I scale it down”,
there are two dimensions in widgets x and y , for scaling the whole image gets scaled they can also be scaled to be not in proportion ,
and yes you can transform (scale,rotate,transform) , color (including opacity).
Got the idea from 3d background, I would use it to make cheap spring animations:
In a 3d package one can use these tools, like the scale tool, and it has an attack point, or pivot point on the object and from that it takes action on the object itself.
As you can see with the pivot on the middle the spring got scaled in from both directions(bottom and top), and with the pivot on the top, the buttom moved towards the top. Just the way I want it as the spring will be attached to something by the top.
nice idea you got there , i wasn’t able to make out what you meant but after hearing "spring " i get what you are trying to do, to make it springy try using timelines (for scaling ) it will give bouncing-like effects( by the way ,what 3d application are you using?) some math is needed here with timeline too to do this. (you are trying to keep it stuck at one place right?)
Used to Maya to learn the basics (more tuts) then I switched to Blender, free and open source and got better modeling toolkit than Maya IMO.
Yes, I keep it stuck on the top. There won’t be timeline animation, as the user holds a key, a tooth rises with the spring in tow, as the user releases it, all pops back to idle. so continous location from the tooth and continous scale from the spring.
Another thing: Can I do this: order UE to fit the image from this object to this? That way my problem would be solved. Like, fill the spring in a container and I scale the container that has its top restricted or so?