Yes I have one of those and I know how to change the color in the particle system. But how do I change the color outside the system. Otherwise I will have to make multiple particle systems, each with a different color.
I was wondering if it were possible to make a particle’s color a variable of sorts, similar to using vector parameter in regular material. My idea was to make a base particle, like a base material, then change the color for each instance of the emitter (which is a component in the actor that has the wall that uses the base material).
Sure, you just need the Particle Color Node in your Material. More information about Particle expressions can be found here! <3
I’m sorry. Under your Particle Color you can change your Distribution to “Distribution Vector Particle Parameter”. Give it a name and Max/Min Input/Output values. Then, if you add a Particle Component in your Blueprint, make sure to go under Details and click on “Expose Parameters”. Now, you can easily change your values with a “Set Vector Parameter” node.
If you need some pictures for that, you can check out this answer! <3
Thanks for the help. I knew there had to be a way.