Official reply from Amanda from Epic
Indeed, it’s understandable, only thing that in my experience as a web developer and seo optimizator, is that those pages are well optimized and crawled, searched every day and appearing in search engine results, the best thing to do in order to not lose the acquired priority over other searches is to not destroy the inside content but instead (even in another server) serve the same static version of the wiki with a simple redirect.
A good Web Dev and SEO or server admin can do that in a matter of minutes. From a visual perspective the result it’s identical, you can maintain the page layout and all.
And the search engines will be happy of that and you will not destroy the workflow of users, and of the search engines.
That is the solution, a static simple page solution, mirror your results in plain html version and no one will be able to hack anything, if the server will be hardened and updated (but I believe that your system administrators are more than competent in that
About Rama reply about UE4 becoming closed to community, I had the same feels at first, but 13 pages of disappointment let one think how much community driven is this engine, all united like a community.
This is what Epic have to follow, a community, not enterprises, but people.
And I hope that this message will reach Sweeney to change his mind about this decision, if it’s that the reason.
Let’s be optimistic, I will wait a reply from someone that will clearly say that it’s not something hidden and sketchy, but instead a simple routine that will build something a lot better in a short time.
In the meantime I return to point to the backup from Michael J. Cole:
Fork this to preserve until the official solution will be available