I can slice the terrain into tiles and assign them to each of their own levels however the vegetation will not follow the tiles. Is there a way to transfer placed vegetation to selected level.
I have already made the terrain, vegetation, and actors and then placed all of these together. The problem is we now need to split all of this into a grid system for level streaming. Is there an easy way to select an area and split it off into its own level?
Is there a simple way to change selected vegetation’s assigned level.
Thank you.
for some odd reason vegetation does and will transfer over after being placed on main terrain and then after having the terrain slice transferred to a new level will follow
but only stuff I placed after a certain point?
why not all the vegetation?
ok so I need to re activate the foliage using re-apply tool but it doesn’t seem to have any effect?
How can I re activate foliage. So far only way has been to select a small group at a time and lift it up and drop it back down with (End) input.
really need to figure this out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
is there no solution’s for any of these bugs? So far the past few days of testing a googles searches show all of the above as bugs that have been around since 2015.