I would like to be able to make a BoxCollision which works as a PostProcessVolume because the PostProcessVolume has missing Features:
If the Player walks into the Volume, I want to set the Skylight intensity to 0. Unfortunately with the AmbientCubemap Feature from the PostProcessVolume I only can make the Skylight Brighter, not darker.
So I need to make a Blueprint which does this job. But I want a soft transition like the Post Process Volume has.
The Radius would be quite big, so only a timed delay for a soft transition wouldn’t work.
That would be my last option because it would make everything in my level extremely complex…
I want the Player to enter a location and the player should walk deeper into the location, I would have to place many blueprints, and of course, the Player would leave one blueprint and the settings shouldn’t get set back to default. Only when the Player leaves the complete location.
I am curious, what is the best (performant) way to activate Tick by overlap?
Only using a branch to block the tick wouldn’t be too great performance-wise…
Have you looked into Blendables yet? Using several post process volumes with the ‘distance from center’ basis of skylight intensity change, all of which overlap at specific extents to cover the whole location, would probably be easier than utilizing a tick operation or by-the-second calculation. The blendables are applicable to materials, so they could also be used to adjust some of the location’s post process settings along with the skylight intensity changing.