Change Layer of a specific Layer Blueprint Brushes in Landscape Mode

(Note: I am trying to recreate, about selecting a choiced Layer, then instantiate object so that the object will be in that Layer, or like “how using blueprint or c++”, when dragging water object or patches, it creates its own Layer)

I want to change the Layer of a specific Layer Blueprint Brushes, is there a way using Nodes or c++ in Landscape mode?

And/or is there a way using Nodes or c++ which can automatically Add/Select the Layer in Landscape mode?

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I also want to know the answer to this!

Also I saw some of your older questions, did you find out how to spawn custom brushes through blueprints, because I can only get the actor spawned in and it doesn’t affect the landscape until I manually put it in the “edit layer blueprint brushes” through the landscape tab