Change landscape heightmap dynamically?

is there a way to change a landscapes heightmap in editor dynamically? Like say I had an array of heightmaps (not my usecase but a simple example) is there any way to properly create a landscape and set the heightmap or edit an existing landscapes heightmap - even in c++?

I don’t see any blueprint options but I know its possible, there’s a fantastic map maker asset on the marketplace that seems to be able to do it but I cant figure out how.

I tried building my own plugin in c++ but I cant get it to properly create a landscape (it does create one, but it isn’t visible lol) so I’m wondering if there is a specific way you are supposed to do that or any useful info I could read up on

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Using Runtime Virtual Textures one can continuously update values therein. If you are using it for height you can dyamically do things This is how they did snow in Wukong, and other Unreal powered titles (Dune I think).

The continuous updates are somewhat costly tho :frowning: Not game-breaking but not cheap.

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