Change hue color to 2D image

I search a way to change the Hue color to a 2D image (Not the Brush tint color)

I need it because some item icons will have 60 variants, so I do not want to create the 60 icons manually…

You see (Picture 1) ? I want to use two images : The “01” in background and the “02-color” with diferent hue in front


But actually the true gradient does not work and adds color instead of changing the hue
So I tested with the "“02-Gray” : see (Picture 2)

I tested to “set brush tint color” and “set color and opacity” but it’s the same result, color is added and not very switched…

Look at this, I tried 3 colors for this apple, The “Obtentions in (A)” is that I obtain with change the tint color.
In “Expected (B)” These are the manually created icons : the difference is big and the tint color metalised the color…

I tried to change the hue by creating a material and it works !! unfortunately this is a material and I want exactly to get this result in 2D image. (change the base hue and not add color on gray) The problem is that for a 2D image I did not find anything about that …

Please help me, I have a Paypal account and I know how to be generous to those who help me;)

You can create a masks that would isolate the background, the apple outer part, and the apple inner part. Desaturate the original image, and then add color to various parts using those masks.

You did not read my explanations … I just explained that this is what I already did but that it did not suit me because add color deteriorates the image, I want to change the hue like the last picture…