Change GameMode on Open Level

I’ve attached an example project (created in 4.4) in which the Open Level node’s option field isn’t changing the game mode at all using the game argument.

There should seriously be a game mode class input on that node. Being able to load a level with a specific game mode is so mission critical, I’m surprised that it’s this arcane.

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Hi ,

I apologize for the delayed reply, your post seems to have been buried and we just found it. Are you still experiencing this error?

It works with the following in an open level options string: ?game=/Game/Blueprints/GameModes/CollectTrialMode.CollectTrialMode_C

Edit: read 's comment for a solution to the following.
The only problem I’ve noticed so far is that it doesn’t load in with the new game mode’s pawn; it keeps the old mode’s pawn. I’d have to spawn and posses the correct one manually.

Have you made sure that you have the pawn and game mode set up in both the project settings and the world settings of your project?

That was the problem. Thanks. It’s a project I haven’t worked on in a long time. So, I’ve since forgotten a lot of the things I was messing with. Anyway, although I don’t remember where I found the correct string format, I’ll convert and mark the answer.

thx !