I’ve attached an example project (created in 4.4) in which the Open Level node’s option field isn’t changing the game mode at all using the game argument.
There should seriously be a game mode class input on that node. Being able to load a level with a specific game mode is so mission critical, I’m surprised that it’s this arcane.
It works with the following in an open level options string: ?game=/Game/Blueprints/GameModes/CollectTrialMode.CollectTrialMode_C
Edit: read 's comment for a solution to the following.
The only problem I’ve noticed so far is that it doesn’t load in with the new game mode’s pawn; it keeps the old mode’s pawn. I’d have to spawn and posses the correct one manually.
That was the problem. Thanks. It’s a project I haven’t worked on in a long time. So, I’ve since forgotten a lot of the things I was messing with. Anyway, although I don’t remember where I found the correct string format, I’ll convert and mark the answer.