Change directional light, atmosphere and fog for a specific player.

i have a level where when the player enter a certain area, the directional light cgoes darker, fog intensify and atmosphere begin to be very thick, it’s like being in a storm. see pictures.

So the problem is, that if a player enter the zone, it change for eveyone no matter where they are.
I can’t figure how to make this change only for the person who walks in (and walk out)

Could use some help, i might miss something, thanks !

Maybe you can use post process volumes or teleport players who enter that area to a different level? IDK maybe these answers aren’t really useful but these would be the first things I would personally consider

The problem is that this is an open world so it has to react as one…

asking the obvious but have you tried just using a RunOnOwningClient RPC

you’d have to run it on the player controller or pawn
and then get a reference to the things you want to alter, lights, fog, atmosphere and apply changes

I found the solution myself.
After i cast to my character on component begin overlap, i add a node " IsLocallyControlled" followed by a branch, and out of true i change the light, fog etc and it change only for the client.


Cast to Pawn, it’s the base parent class of character. Less of a hard reference load than your extended class BP_Character.

Pawn → Character → BP_Character.