Im a total noob just playing around in BP trying to learn. In this case I just want to change the color on my textrendercomponent.
The problem is it only works once. And I can clearly see when I press shift that get different values (from the print string) So the text should shift in red tones.
Is this text render actor in a separate blueprint from your pawn or player controller? If so, set up a begin play>Enable Input and set the player controller to 0 so you can actually affect it. See if that fixes the error.
Its in a separate BP, but i have already enabled the input on Player 0.
But it works once, the color gets changed, so it kind of works. its when i press a second time nothing happens. And i can see that RandomStream seeds a new value, cos I print it to screen. But the color on the text component is not changing. Of course i can change to use materials, but I want to understand what is happening here.
I was able to reproduce this and can confirm that it is a bug. I have entered a bug report, UE-5045 to be assessed by the development staff. Thank you!
I realized my mistake and wanted to let you know. This is actually working as intended. What is occurring is that our colors are based on a 0-1 scale instead of 0-255. So effectively it has 255:256 chances to select the maximum value a color is going to be. Try setting your float in range to 0-1 and see if it works correctly after that.