there are different ways to do that. For example GetActorOfClass will return the first actor of the specified class (if there is any). Ofc if you have more than one platform, you need to choose which one you want. GetAllActorsOfClass will return all actors of the specified class.
I have a blueprint made for a platform that has 2 components: a cube and a box collision component that is set on the cube. Im trying to transport to that box collision on the cube. In my Third Person character I have it set so when I press a button I transport to that spot. Im trying to cast to that blueprint so I can pull the world location of that box but but I have no idea what the object wildcard would be. I have read and read and read and if you put everybody’s explanations together I still fall short of understanding what that object is for my platform that is placed in my level. I made an object reference to it in third person BP but the reference doesn’t fill so it’s always an empty default. How do I get that object filled?