I try to get data from a SaveGame named LevelSave. The problem, always I get a cast failed but only when I compiled for the shipping mode with an active “For Distribution” checkbox. When I compile the development mode I don’t get any errors. I can’t upload a development mode Android App so its important to use a shipping mode version but I don’t understand why this option don’t work. Do you have an idea?
Does a save file exist for it to load? The save file would likely be loaded from a different location when packaged for shipping. Make sure you have created and saved a save object before trying to load one. In your image, you are creating a save object, but not saving it to your computer.
Which file I have to create? I only have the savegame bluescript file but the documentation never showed that I have to create one. When you mean the Save to Slot Function, I save it to slot before
In looking at this picture, I don’t see the need for this cast, as you already have a valid reference to your GameSave
The logic in this pic shows - “create save game object” Node (this outputs a reference to the GameSave)
Then “load game from slot” Node - which also outputs a valid GameSave reference
And then, Cast to GameSave ??? Why? - when you already have two other valid references to the GameSave. Unless there is another reason for the cast other than to obtain a reference
I would eliminate this cast - and just continue the execution, I got a feeling this will solve your problem
Hope this helps, let me know
I cast to it like its shown in the documentation (https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Gameplay/SaveGame/Blueprints/index.html and https://docs.unrealengine.com/Images/Gameplay/SaveGame/Blueprints/LoadGameBP.png)
When I delete it and use the first reference it does not load.