I have been trying to add a door like from the video below, however, I’m creating a VR game and would want to the door to open when my hand overlaps with the box (and not the pawn). Could someone please help out? I’m new and tried a number of thing with the “Cast to” node, however, nothing seems to work and I’m not sure what to select. I am using the VR template provided by Unreal.
I suggest trying to run the overlap event on a Tick Event, and output true or false if the hands overlap. This way you will be able to see if the hands actually trigger the collision volume. It could be that the hands just doesn’t respond with the geometry.
Found the solution, if anyone else is struggling FYI:
You need to go to “VRPawn” blue print and add Sphere collision to the right and left hand mesh, than use cast to VR Pawn, if anyone else is having problems, let me know!