Cast PlayerState to Interface

I have Interface:

class UWeaponSelectorInterface : public UInterface

class WEAPONS_API IWeaponSelectorInterface

	virtual bool SetSelectedWeapon(const EWeapon Weapon) = 0;
	virtual EWeapon GetSelectedWeapon() = 0;
	virtual FWeaponDelegate* GetSelectedWeaponChangedDelegate() = 0;

Also I have my PlayerState class:

class MY_API AMyPlayerState : public APlayerState, public IWeaponSelectorInterface

When I try to cast MyPlayerState to IWeaponSelectorInterface

    const auto PlayerState = GetOwningPlayerState();

    const auto WeaponSelector = Cast<IWeaponSelectorInterface>(PlayerState);

I’m getting an error:

unresolved external symbol "private: static class UClass * __cdecl UWeaponCollectorInterface::GetPrivateStaticClass(void)" (?GetPrivateStaticClass@UWeaponCollectorInterface@@CAPEAVUClass@@XZ) referenced in function "public: enum ESlateVisibility __cdecl UCrosshairWidget::IsWeaponEnabled(enum EWeapon)const " (?IsWeaponEnabled@UCrosshairWidget@@QEBA?AW4ESlateVisibility@@W4EWeapon@@@Z)

If I use the same interface in another (not PlayerState) classes then it works fine.

Why can’t I cast PlayerState to an Interface?