UE 4.14.3
Create a new particle system.
Open it in cascade editor.
Everything 's fine unlti click on the required module on the emitter.
Fatal error: [File:D:\Build\++UE4+Release-4.14+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Windows\D3D11RHI\Private\D3D11Util.cpp] [Line: 176]
Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost. (Error: 0x887A0006 - 'HUNG')
Repeat this and got 100% crash each time!!!
What should I do now?? quit??
Anyone have any idea?
This issue is being investigated and we are trying to reproduce this internally. If you could provide the following this will help greatly:
- Your DxDiag (you do this by opening your command prompt and dype dxdiag once you hit enter wait for the window to appear. Click “save all information” and attach the .txt file here)
- Are you using a source build (via github) or a binary build (using the launcher)?
- I’ll need your Machine ID this is provided in the crash window that pops up after your engine fails. Make sure you submit the crash by clicking “send and close”.
Thank you for reply! Here is the info:
i m using the binary build with launcher
Dxdiag [file][1] [1]: 122305-dxdiag.txt (67.9 KB)
And more info to reproduce:
start PC → Open project editor → double click on particle system on content browsers → cascade editor → click on any module. just now:
if you first start PC it may not crash immediately, you need to close cascade, open it again or other blueprint and click on any module, repeat it til it crash.
else it has already crashed once before, you just need open the cascade editor then click on the required module it ll crash.
And i found a way to ‘hot fixed’ this by restart the PC, but after awhile crash still happen.
One more thing, This crash seem not only on cascade editor, it could be anywahere which have viewport with class default or detail panel.
ex: I got the same crash when try open a blueprint, it start with event graph, then open the viewport, select a mesh then mouse hover the detail panel, use mouse wheel up or down → crash. Just like the cascade window first run wont crash immediately but if it crashed it ll crash until you restart your PC.
My best solution here is downgrade to 4.13.2, it stable now. wont crash anymore. Thx!
PS: I Forgot i have starkit in my project. Hope this help!
Hi ExistUnreal,
Thank you for all the information. We have a ticket in for this crash and will continue investigating the crash. You can find it here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-40773)
We have several D3D ‘HUNG’ crashes with different callstacks and yours match the report I linked above. Feel free to track the ticket as we continue to investigate and review this issue. Keep in mind that we don’t have a time frame on when this will be addressed so don’t rely on a fix to be made quickly if it is crucial to development.
There is a possible workaround that we are investigating. The GPU crash may be related to microsoft’s Timeout Detection & Recovery(TDR) feature. You can find out more about it here: Timeout detection and recovery (TDR) - Windows drivers | Microsoft Learn
Basically, it detects if your GPU is hung up and if it passes a certain amount of time Windows will automatically reset the GPU resulting in the crash. This is done to prevent a freeze forcing a hard reboot of the system.
Sometimes you need to add a little more time for your GPU to process before Windows causes the reset. To do this you need to change the TDR delay.
I have two suggestion on how to do this you can do it manually yourself OR you can download a tool that will do it for you. However, I haven’t used the tool that much myself but it does appear to work. (Use at your own risk)