Capsule trace problem need help

I try to do exit from vehicle, but before i fire my exit function i want to check if nothing collision in place of spawning my character so i create capsule line trace for object(also try by channel) but nothing work, so what i doing wrong

Or maybe some one know another method to check available space to spawn character capsule? thx

Are you receiving any response? EG: Hit or No Hit.

I see you have debug selected, do you see the capsule drawing?

Also, you may want to use the get capsule size node (don’t remember exact name sorry) for the drawing dimensions. This will be handy should you change the size of your capsule down the road.

thx for reply, i always get only “nothing trace”(print message) and see debug capsule drawing, maybe capsule is not work?

I’m assuming the entire capsule is showing red? This would indicate no hits.

There is nothing that stands out as wrong to me with your blueprint, and your capsule is drawing as you stated.

If your capsule is being drawn over a collider but is still showing all red then perhaps you’re tracing on the wrong object channels. Try lowering the capsule low enough to where you know it will collide with the ground and try again – just to see what happens.

You can do a sphere trace which is pretty similar to performing a line trace. Since a sphere traces along a line, it essentially covers the volume of a capsule. Let me know if you can’t figure it out so i can send you aome screenshots.

try to use sphere for trace by channel and by object, and nothing, sphere always red(i try to spawn this sphere on vehicles, characters, static object, dynamics), maybe my BP can’t trace?

alperenakyuz pls send screenshots i be pleasure to see what i am doing wrong

OK, I’ll try finding something on my end. Just give me a couple of minutes.

Wait, scratch that. I see the problem: when you use the same location input for both start an end, it actually thinks the height of the capsule is zero. So you just need to add a height vector to it.

Example attached:

thx it help