Can't use any functions of UMovieSceneSequenceExtensions in c++

Although I have added all neccesary Modules and included all neccesary libaraires but I stil get this error

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol “public: static struct FMovieSceneBindingProxy __cdecl UMovieSceneSequenceExtensions::ResolveBindingID(class UMovieSceneSequence *,struct FMovieSceneObjectBindingID)” (?ResolveBindingID@UMovieSceneSequenceExtensions@@SA?AUFMovieSceneBindingProxy@@PEAVUMovieSceneSequence@@UFMovieSceneObjectBindingID@@@Z) referenced in function “public: static class ULevelSequencePlayer * __cdecl ULevelSequencePlayer::CreateLevelSequencePlayer(class UObject *,class ULevelSequence *,class TEnumAsByte,class AActor *,struct FMovieSceneSequencePlaybackSettings,class ALevelSequenceActor * &)”

Can you show your header file and the build.cs file?

Hello I am facing the same issue, let me show you my files:

It’s not the same error, but I think yours can be solved by adding "RHI" to your PublicDependencyModuleNames in your Build.cs file.

Also, next time, please don’t post screenshots of complicated linker errors. They are harder to track down since I can’t copy and paste them.

I have the same problem

If you read UMovieSceneSequenceExtensions.cpp, you can find that those blueprint library functions just use Umoviescene’s public functions,so I suggest to copy the code instead of directly use them. And it can decrease the number of dependent modules