Cant switch back to visualstudio2019,after trying out vscode. UE5

im using 2 engine versions for my project(git/vscode).
unfortunatly i tried out vscode in the git version and then switched back to the unreal version.

now i cant switch back to the gitversion, since it will always generate vs.workspace for me.
i tried to switch it back via


in BaseEditorPerProjectUserSettings. for the project aswell the engine configs.
but it doesnt work.

Any ideas how to fix my problem ?
The only real fix for this kind of problem would be if u would be able to select the compile/studio when rightclicking the uproject. it also would make sense.

well u just got the idea to start the project vscode and then change it back in ue5. but then it recompiles the whole engine…
I just want to switch back :frowning:

i was lucky and i had another testproject, which was compiled with the ue5.editor, so i could swap back to visualstudio inside the editorsettings.
So i got lucky, still this is a big problem. There should be realy a rightlclick option on the uproject file…

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