Can't step into the engine code using VS Code

Currently I have UE4.24 instelled with option as the screenshot below.


The source file and the debug symbols are installed.

Then I try to debug my code. It works just fine when steping though my own code, but when I try to step into the engine code, an error shows as below.


The source code is located at D:\Epic Games\UE_4.24\Engine\Source so it’s normal to get the missing source file error. However, it looks like the debugger could not locate the right path for the source code.

Is there any settings that might be missing? or stepping into the engince source code is currently unsupported?

I’ve just encountered the same problem. Turns out you need to set sourceFileMap sourceFileMap in your .vscode folder launch.json configuration to map the correct source file path.

In your example, if you are going to launch “YourGameNameEditor (DebugGame)” configuration from vscode, then edit the configuration’s sourceFileMap property in launch.json to
“sourceFileMap”: {
“D:\Build\++UE4\Sync”: “D:\Epic Games\UE_4.26\”

Thanks for the advice! The new issue is launch.json doesn’t escape the backslashes in the path key for “sourceFileMap”.

“sourceFileMap”: {
“D:\\build\++UE5\\Sync”: “D:\\UE_5.0”

Luckily there’s a PR that fixes this.