Can't set up steam online subsystem on mac

Hi, I am following the Blueprint Multiplayer project tutorial. I copied the configuration file content from( ) to DefaultEngine.ini. When I run my game in standalone mode, a steam notification should pop up on right bottom corner but nothing shows up in my case. SHIFT+TAB doesn’t work either. Steam is keep running when I run my project.

I am using 4.14, access editor using launcher. I also tried package my game and “Add non-steam game” in steam to run my game, but fails too. I searched some posts and realized there should be a Steamworks SDK in Engine’s Third party, I go to “/Applications/Epic Games Party/” And found there is no folder called “Steamworks”.

Any help? Thanks.

Well, I think I found the Steamwork now, I was looking for the wrong path. The place where I found it is
“/Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.14/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/Steamworks”. But My problem is still not solved. It makes me more confused since I have this SDK and the online subsystem still dosen’t work. Any help?

Hi there, did you ever figure this out? I’m having problems getting my project, which runs on Steam Online Subsystem, to work on Mac (it can’t find any hosted sessions), but it works fine over 2 Windows PC. I made the changes in DefaultEngine.ini and added it to Steam as well. I think I must be missing a key set up for Mac since it works on PC.

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