Hi, I am following the Blueprint Multiplayer project tutorial. I copied the configuration file content from( https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Programming/Online/Steam/ ) to DefaultEngine.ini. When I run my game in standalone mode, a steam notification should pop up on right bottom corner but nothing shows up in my case. SHIFT+TAB doesn’t work either. Steam is keep running when I run my project.
I am using 4.14, access editor using launcher. I also tried package my game and “Add non-steam game” in steam to run my game, but fails too. I searched some posts and realized there should be a Steamworks SDK in Engine’s Third party, I go to “/Applications/Epic Games Launcher.app/Contents/UE4/Engine/Binaries/Third Party/” And found there is no folder called “Steamworks”.
Any help? Thanks.