i want to add a “procedural mesh component” and set it’s param “use complex as simple collision” to false
but there isn’t such a node, i can only find a “get” node.
Is there a way to do this in c++ or is there any other way i am missing. i am not too familiar c++. or is this just a bug or something that might get fixed later. i can wait.
(i could just add a procedural mesh component in the editor, but i might have a lot of components, some only useful for certain conditions)
Bumping because I’ve also just now ran into this issue. I submitted this as a bug, because it seems like not being able to “set” this variable within the event graph or BP functions is unintentional. It’s pretty important for being able to add physics to proc meshes or their sliced components.
Any one that could help us access this variable without the details panel would be greatly appreciated.
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