Cant select Assests/Foliage

Hi, i have big problem with ue4. Using 4.26.2 After loading my project, its a matter of short time until i irregularly cant select assets or if i can, i sometimes cant move em or just the red arrow responses or just the blue or just blue and red together, for example. And if it did one time, i cant do it again because suddenly the same arrow doesnt respond aynmore, suddenly all respond again for short period of time. This includes foliage painted things also.

When i hover over an asset which is just unselectable for a period of time, the cursor turns into the standard desktop arrow icon.

It doesnt matter what asset or foliage sometimes this one works and this not and that in every combination.

I rly need help.

Standard things that cause this kind of problem are:

  1. Something in between the camera and your mesh, could be a particle system for instance

  2. You have the grid snap set too high. In which case you can select something, but apparently can’t move it:


That doesnt help

It must have something to do with the strg+z command. I guess its the trigger, because sometime if i do that, there comes a big spike from ~30 sec. After that the problem always occures

Yo i demand a ■■■■■■■ solution. im working 2 years on my project every day the whole day and its not possible to my nerves to work like this