Can't seem to combine distance UV blending with bump offset

Hello Everyone!
For the past couple of days, i have been trying to find a suitable solution for this issue as stated in the title. I am working on a landscape master material for an open world game, i have got both bump offset and distance UV working separately but cant seem to combine the two effects. I am not a technical artist but have tried most of the common solutions, to no avail.

Here is the material function that has all the setup:
Distance Blend:

Bump Offset:

Base Texture setup:

As you can see the bump offset works well with the current setup, so does distance blend. I have tried lerping them, attaching the output for the distance blend to the coordinate node in bump offset. I feel like i am missing something but don’t really know what it might be.

Any and all help is appreciated, kind folks :slightly_smiling_face: