For some reason these functions will NOT show up in the editor, even though I have succesfully compiled multiple times! I can’t find the class either by it’s name:
4.19.2 - Was trying to do a simple blueprint in the main project, compiled fine but not seeing the method anywhere. Deleted the binaries and intermediate folders, generated project files, compiled and now it is there.
Replace “MyModule” with the name of the module you want to add, in this case the folder in which your blueprint function library class exists.
Save the changes to the “.uproject” file.
Reopen your project in Unreal Editor to ensure that the module is loaded.
I add this because it stumped me a good while and maybe someone else can benefit.
Don’t forget to add , after the section of [] if you’re inserting this before the rest of what’s in your .uproject file.
I have no idea why this works or if also requires the target.cs and build.cs stuff to also be done (mentioned elsewhere).
I would have assumed, if you add C++ to a project from inside unreal editor, the module lines required would be added automatically. I used chatgpt to figure this out; it solved the problem for me, but I can’t say it’s an official step.
so like what worked for me was removing intermediate and binary inside the plugins
removing intermediate etc in the project then generate vs, then rebuild instead of build!