I’ve created a simple line trace, I look at a box, text displays. Nice and easy. However, once I set ‘DrawDebug Type’ to ‘None’ and send it to my GearVR I get a really weird error; everything is totally black, until I turn around and look at the cube, then, I can see everything. Then, if I quickly look away from the cube, 1 side of the level is dark, I can make objects out, just, but it’s all unlit. If I look at the cube again, it comes back, however, when I look away slowly, the level doesn’t become dark again.
All this from changing ‘DrawDebug Type’ to ‘None’. If I set it back to ‘Once Per Frame’ it works perfectly again, no clue why. Any suggestions?
Edit: I don’t know if this helps, but in developer mode on my phone, if I type ‘Stat FPS’ into the console, suddenly I can see everything.