Every package I create, regardless of game mode, game instance and level or its content has this green frame in the top left corner. I can’t figure out where it’s coming from. It even shows on an empty level, with default game instance, game mode and all default game classes…
It comes up in every package/build type: DebugGame, Development, Shipping.
Below screenshot is from packaged game in DebugGame, with empty level, default game mode and game instance.
Fame/box doesn’t show up in editor.
In levels with content it can be seen that frame/box has black, semi-translucent background.
To clarify, the lunched project looked as if there was no frame/border when lunched and the game was in borderless window that was smaller than the screen.
But when I went to build files of that lunch and opened exe and I got a fullscreen app this time the frame with border was present but instead of top left corner it was in the middle and was the size of the lunched window.
From your replies we can narrow it down to the project/cook/package settings or maybe one of plugins you use. Does the green box show up when you launch in standalone mode?
From standard packages I use:
“Paper2D”, “Niagara”, “ProceduralMeshComponent”
As for plugins: I have quite few of then enabled since the project was created, but almost all of them where enabled from the start. The ones that I’ve enabled are Paper2D, Niagara, Niagara extras.
I’ve tried lunching project in shipping mode and debug mode. When in shipping: there is this little frame in the top left corner, when in debug: frame goes round the windowed game
It seems that whatever entity this frame is, it’s present in all builds, but it shipping modes it’s not affected, i.e. it’s not stretching to full screen size.
The issue came from the Custom Mesh Plugin. Once turned off the frame is no longer visible in any build mode or standalone game. Thank you! I wouldn’t think of plugins as a root cause. Also after this I went through all of my plugins and disabled all not related to my game (online, web, VR)