Can't Reimport Animation FBXs in Unreal 5.5.4

Hello, :waving_hand:

I’m experiencing and error when trying to reimport any animations in 5.5.4 on macOS. When I do, the animation is not updated and I receive the following warning:

[/Users/Username/Documents/UnrealProject/Jump_ANI.fbx : '', Unknown] Renamed Assets: 
 OriginalName:[/Game/Art/Character/Jump_ANI_Anim_Jump_CLP] NewName:[/Game/Art/Character/Jump_ANI_Anim_Jump_CLP3]

This was never a problem before Unreal 5.5 as I’ve recently upgraded from 5.4. Any advice would be appreciated. :slightly_smiling_face:


Some naming rule that change between 5.4 and 5.5.
While we look into it you can deactivate the new default FBX importer using this cvar

Interchange.FeatureFlags.Import.FBX false

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Wow, that did the trick. Thank you very much. :slightly_smiling_face: