Can't read variables from DefaultEngine.ini file. Going crazy!

Please help, I am losing my mind here. Posting only after reading a ton of docs and forum posts to no avail.

I have a generative art project built in UE5.4.4 and would like to feed it certain parameters from a config file (currently I have to edit them in editor and create new builds each time I change something).

Following the official docs and suggestions in forum posts here’s my test setup:

In a pawn named BP_CanvasCamera I have created two veriables:
testNumber and testString (an int and a string, respectively) and marked them both as Config Variable.

The BP_CanvasCamera is stored in the Content/Blueprints folder:

Based on the tooltip from Config Variable and some info from official UE Docs, I created the following code:


…and appended it to the DefaultEngine.ini config file in my PROJECTNAME/Config/ directory.

I then have a simple function that executes on Event BeginPlay that logs the values of both variables:

No matter what I do, The values show 2024 for the testNumber and Default for testString - their Default Values from the editor. I cannot get it to read the values from INI, no mater which INI file I put it in.

I also tried using the SKEL_ syntax in config section. No difference.

I’ve spent two days trying to get this to work. It’s probably something dumb and simple - but I cannot for the life of me figure it out. HELP, PLZ.

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