Can't post an UEFN map, because of - Stay within Spec Requirements

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



Hey, the problem is, i get the Stay withing Spec Requirements and i can’t post my map.

The exact issue i receive is -

1.14 Stay within Spec Requirements - Make sure the islands you are creating do not cause server issues, intentionally or not. Frame rates should stay above 30 FPS.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Checking what is the reason of the problem
    2.Finding it
    3.Letting me know, so i can fix it

Expected Result

Getting my map fixed and available for post!

Observed Result

I hope i get my map fixed and being able to post it and show it to the community.



Island Code


Additional Notes

I hope everything goes well and i’m not the only person i’ve seen with that type of problem. I hope everything goes it’s way and is fine!