Can't package project with own DataAssets

Hi, after creating my own DataAsset I can’t package my project. It works perfect in the editor but after trying to package it I got an error: Unknown Cook Failure. I found that these lines are trying to tell me what is wrong, but I don’t know how to fix it:

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):   LogAssetManager: Error: Registered PrimaryAssetId Items:WoodItem for asset /Game/DataAssets/Items/WoodItem.WoodItem does not match object's real id of ! This will not load properly at runtime!
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):   LogAssetManager: Error: Registered PrimaryAssetId Items:StoneItem for asset /Game/DataAssets/Items/StoneItem.StoneItem does not match object's real id of ! This will not load properly at runtime!
PackagingResults: Error: Registered PrimaryAssetId Items:WoodItem for asset /Game/DataAssets/Items/WoodItem.WoodItem does not match object's real id of ! This will not load properly at runtime!
PackagingResults: Error: Registered PrimaryAssetId Items:StoneItem for asset /Game/DataAssets/Items/StoneItem.StoneItem does not match object's real id of ! This will not load properly at runtime!

and here:

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):   LogInit: Display: LogAssetManager: Error: Registered PrimaryAssetId Items:WoodItem for asset /Game/DataAssets/Items/WoodItem.WoodItem does not match object's real id of ! This will not load properly at runtime!
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):   LogInit: Display: LogAssetManager: Error: Registered PrimaryAssetId Items:StoneItem for asset /Game/DataAssets/Items/StoneItem.StoneItem does not match object's real id of ! This will not load properly at runtime!

Own DataAsset code:

class SURVIVAL_API UItemDataAsset : public UDataAsset

    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly)
    FName itemID;
    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly)
    FText name;


I’ve also disabled “Is Editor Only” and selected “Always Cook” in Asset Manager settings.

Do you know how to fix it?

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try checking “Should manager determine Type and Name”. This helped me solve it without manually implementing Asset ID.


This helped me, too! Thank you!

The previous answer didn’t work for me, since it was already checked. But uncheaking “Has Blueprint Classes” did.



Thank you!
It works!