I’m trying to build my university project but I can’t package it. I’m getting a whole load of errors I’m unfamiliar with and I’m not sure where to start in terms of fixing them. Any help would be appreciated.
Searching for errors in the link you gave out I see two critical errors.
The last of the two suggests trying this out https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/350501/packagingresultserror-error-unknown-cook-failure-2.html
The first I’m not so sure yet.
Hey, thanks for the reply. I’ve tried the first suggestion listed on the thread to no avail and I am going through the others. Thanks in advance for helping me out =)
The output log refers states:
“LogWindows: Error Assertion failed: LoadedWorld [File:D\Build++UE4+Release-4.19+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\LevelActor.cpp] [Line 1182]”
Line 1182 is this (attached below) but I still am not sure what to make of it.
Do you use level streaming? I found some sources pointing that assertion failure to level streaming problem:
Hi F1R2EN, no I’m not using level streaming, though I have tried to build with it both enabled and disabled. I noticed in the post something about Paragon assets however, I am using those for my main character and several enemies. I will see if i can remove them from the project and try that. Otherwise I can’t make heads or tails of this =(
Anyone else have ideas?
Ok so I’ve managed to solve this though I feel like I circumvented the problem rather than actually dealing with it. In order to reduce the size of my project I used the migrate tool to move the Maps over to a new project alongside all their dependencies (leaving behind any unused assets) in the process I seem to of left behind whatever was preventing me packaging the project ! =)
Steps I took to migrate the Maps:
- Create a new blank C++ project with the same name as the original
- Open the project, compile, wait for everything to do its initial job (shader compiles, Visual Studio finding Engine files etc) [not sure how necessary this bit is but i did it]
- Close the new project. In the original project, select all the maps in use and Migrate them to the new project’s Content folder alongside all dependencies. Where asked to overwrite existing files, choose yes.
- Export any bespoke project settings to Desktop.
- Using the File Explorer, Copy all files from the ‘Source’ folder from the old project to the new one.
- Using the File Explorer Replace the ‘Saved’ and ‘Intermediate’ folders in the new project with those from the old.
- Using the File Explorer, right click on the project icon and click ‘Regenerate Visual Studio project files’
- Open the Visual Studio solution for the project and click ‘rebuild’
- Open the project in unreal, and import the Project settings via Edit->ProjectSettings->Import → ‘Exported files on desktop’
- Test Everything possible and make sure the game still works (mine did)
- Package project with no errors
- Sing and dance
Hope this method might help others even though I never actually identified what was breaking it. It’s working, that’s the main thing.
If you use Paragon assets, I maybe found answer.
You should delete map folder in Paragon (chara) assets.
Like this.
Then my build worked!!!