Can't Package my projec

I get an error when trying to package my game. It worked before but now it just stoped :confused:

error log: error -

can anyone help me. i have searced for houers but not found anything.

No is still get the same problem :confused:

Pastebin link: UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)): Project.Build: ********** BUILD COMMAND -

no still get the same problem :confused:

yes i have hade that error since i started the project and i have made a build/package of the project before with that error :stuck_out_tongue:

no when i create a Actor in c++

no if i start a new project and package it it works and the project use to work but it sudenly stoped workign giving me the ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: D:\unreal projects\NoName\Binaries\Win32\NoName-Win32-DebugGame.exe :confused:

Well, the AttachTo error disappeared, so I wouldn’t consider it the same problem anymore…

Anyway, did you check out this line

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows
(32-bit)): UnrealBuildTool:
note: see declaration of

Check out if you are using InputComponent correctly

The other error is this one

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows
(32-bit)): UnrealBuildTool:
note: see declaration of

Make sure you use your AController::Pawn correctly <3

So, if you are making an empty project you still get that error?

Sorry, I mean if you are making a new Project and try to package this empty project, you still get that error? Because if you started with the project and already couldn’t package the game, I can’t help anymore.

So I Finaly Figured it out for me the problem was 2 for loops that looked like this

for (size_t i = 0; i < Quests.num();i++){

but quests.num() returns int32 so the size_t dose not work, i just changed it out and it wored :slight_smile: