I’m currently trying to package a shipping version of my game for iOS. I recently had to make it a code project and every time I try to compile the project after doing so, I get a ton of errors that I’m really just not sure at all what they mean.
I’ve attached my log above, as its quite lengthy, but the jist is:
MainFrameActions: Packaging (iOS): mono: [8/8] clang++ /Users/lucas/Documents/Unreal Projects/Not Big Enough Games/RelicsOfRa/Binaries/IOS/RelicsOfRa-IOS-Shipping
MainFrameActions: Packaging (iOS): mono: Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
Let me also say I haven’t actually modified or added any non-default code here… This is also shows 8/8 for Clang as I also have the Universal Ad Plugin installed, but even with this plugin disabled I get the same errors.
I also should mention I transferred this project over from Windows, but made it a code project on my Mac. I attempted creating a blank code project on my mac (which compiled fine at first), but once I merged over all content and also copied my config files over to the new project, it started failing again.
Some help on this would really be awesome, as I need to finish this soon. Thanks.