I’m trying to override some c++ functions with BP but they don’t even show up.
EDIT: Okay, I found the problem. It turns out that you need to put BlueprintCallable on the UFUNCTION parameters. Like UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category = "Inventory InGameUI") void OnAddContainer(int32 containerItemID);
. Thanks!
InventoryMainWidget class is child from CommonWidget class that is child from UUserWidget
UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category = "Inventory InGameUI")
void OnAddContainer(int32 containerItemID);
UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category = "Inventory InGameUI")
void EquipWearable(int32 wearableItemID);
UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category = "Inventory InGameUI")
void AddItemSlot(int32 itemID);
Thanks in advance!
Hey ItsaMeTuni-
For the functions you’re using, rather than searching for them in the override dropdown, you can simply right click in the event graph and create an event node for the given functions.
it doesn’t appear on the list when I right click
After creating the widget blueprint in the editor, did you reset it’s parent to your custom class? You can do this by going to File in the widget blueprint and selecting Reparent Blueprint. This should allow the functions to appear in the right click menu as well as in the Overrides drop down.
Can you provide context on what didn’t work? What is the parent class for the class you added your code to? Can you explain what you’ve done so far and where the problem is occurring?
I can’t find the override neither the event from the c++ function in the widget BP graph. I’ve alredy reset the widget’s parent class (wich is the c++ class InventoryMainWidget). InventoryMainWidget is derived from the CommonWidget class that is derived from unreal’s UUserWidget class.
I found what the problem was. Just see the edit I made. Thanks !