Can't open newly created C++ project

Having used UE4 for several years in BP mode, i would like to try learning C++ also.
However, when trying to create a brand new project, i get this error and everythings goes to a halt.
I have tried opening with Visual Studio, and building the project in there, no change.
I have tried right clicking on the MyProject.uproject file and selecting generate Visual Studio project files.

I have tried uninstalling Visual Studio and installing again, with different settings, incl. .Net desktop development, Game Development with C++, Win 10 SDK, Unreal Launcher, Universal Windows Platfrom Development. It’s the 2017 Community version i am using.

When creating the project i receive this error, and cannot open it in UE.

If i try to build, and open again, i get this error.


How can i get started with Visual Studio, or is it not worth it due to all this hassle?

Hey there, see if this works. Make sure that when you installed VS you followed these instructions.

One thing is for sure: it’s not finding the Winsock lib. That should be part of the SDK installation. I found a similar post so maybe try their solution.

Here’s a thread where a bunch of people with the same problem get assistance. It may help to read it.

This has been answered in this thread:

Sorry for duplicate

My answer was correct but you posted a duplicate and marked it as the correct one? That’s pretty messed up.